On May 15, 2023 at noon, our speaker was Ibrahim Cin. He holds an MTS degree from St. Stephens’ College (U of A) and has served as a Chaplain and Spiritual Care Provider at Alberta Islamic Foundation and in the military. His presentation, “Service: A Muslim Chaplain’s Journey to Providing Spiritual Care”, was given to an in-person audience and over Zoom.
Tag: Year 2022-2023
Lunch & Learn: Neurodiversity, ADHD, and Interfaith
On Wednesday March 8th at noon, our speaker was EIC president Farah Jamil, and her topic will be “Neurodiversity, ADHD and Interfaith”.
WIHW 2023: How to Be an Ally
On Tuesday, February 7th at 7 PM, Lewis Cardinal spoke about “How to Be an Ally”, as the final event of out World Interfaith Harmony Week 2023.
WIHW 2023: Why Does a Loving God Let Bad Things Happen?
On Monday, February 6th, at 7 PM, the Edmonton Interfaith Centre hosted a presentation of various faiths’ approaches to the thorny question “Why Does a Loving God Let Bad Things Happen?”, followed by a discussion.
WIHW 2023: Interfaith Concert
The Edmonton Interfaith Centre held our annual “Building Bridges Among Faith Traditions” multi-faith concert on Sunday, February 5th at 2PM at the Unitarian Church, 10804 – 119 Street. Thank you for joining us to enjoy music from around the world.
WIHW 2023: Spirituality Through Poetry
On Saturday, February 4th at 2 PM, Len Geirach moderated a reading of poetry, both original works and pieces meaningful to the readers, concerning faith, God, and the path to spirituality.
WIHW 2023: Ways to Combat Antisemitism
On Thursday, February 2nd at 7 PM, the Edmonton Jewish Federation presented a talk on their efforts to fight antisemitism through a magnificent piece of art.
Lunch & Learn: What’s Out Where?– An Attempt to Understand the “Paranormal”
On February 1st, 2023, at noon, Shaykh Sheikh presented the third part of his series on the theme “Where Do We Go From Here”, with the title “What’s Out Where?– An Attempt to Understand the ‘Paranormal’.”
World Interfaith Harmony Week 2023
The Edmonton Interfaith Centre is proud to again present World Interfaith Harmony Week Edmonton, a series of talks, discussions and artistic events celebrating our commonalities and our diversity. For more information and for zoom links, please see http://interfaithyeg.org/

Lunch & Learn: The 2 Entities in All of Us!
On January 11th, 2023, at noon, Shaykh Sheikh presented the second part of his series on the theme “Where Do We Go From Here”, with the title “The 2 Entities in All of Us!”