Tag: videos
Building Bridges Documentary Now Online
You can now view the Building Bridges documentary online! Visit out Building Bridges page for more.
Multifaith Concert Video Highlights
Here are some video highlights from our Building Bridges Among Faith Traditions multifaith concert on Feb. 9.
Edmonton Interfaith Housing Initiative: Lunch and Learn Video
Rabbanit Batya Friedman and Mike Van Boom from the Edmonton Interfaith Housing Initiative spoke at our June 12 Lunch and Learn. Here is a video of their talk.
Video: Lunch and Learn on Atheism
Ever wonder what atheists believe and don’t believe? Here is a video from our May 8 Lunch and Learn featuring Karen Kerr, President of the Society of Edmonton Atheists.
Video: Lunch and Learn – Hope and Remembrance
Our Lunch and Learn on November 14 featured Stephen Gallard discussing the Hope and Remembrance service for those who have been scarred by war in any way. Here is a video of his talk:
Weeping for the Land: Videos
The afternoon talks from our “Weeping for the Land: Spiritual Perspectives On and Strategies For Healing an Ailing Planet” symposium were filmed.
Videos: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Here are videos from our event on March 21 at City Hall for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination:
Lunch and Learn Videos
We have been filming our Lunch and Learns for people who cannot make it, or who would like to view the presentations again. The complete list of available videos is here.