Lunch & Learn November 14

LUNCH & LEARN – Monday November 14

On November 10 there will be a Healing & Remembrance Service at Trinity Lutheran Church (10014 81 Ave) at 7 p.m. This is one of two initiatives of Stephen Gallard, our speaker. Entrance and some parking in the back lane across from Tim Horton’s, bring your lunch if you like, hot and cold drinks provided, $2 donation gratefully accepted.

 Have you or your family been impacted by the effects of war or conflict? Does Nov 11th leave you feeling left out? Do you carry with you the scars created by it?

Well you are not alone and this is a service is for you, to attend in a reverent and safe place to let those scars start to heal knowing you are not alone and your experience is taken to heart by others.

Regardless of where or by whom, victor or vanquished, everyone is welcomed to this new Interfaith service as an adjunct to Remembrance Day to provide you a chance to remember, be acknowledged and feel acceptance.

Partnering with Edmonton Interfaith Centre, some of the University of Alberta’s Interfaith Chaplains,

hosted by Trinity Lutheran and Holy Trinity Anglican Church this is for all people as all people matter

and war does not discriminate.

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