Individual Membership Objectives
- To educate members of the Edmonton Interfaith Centre for Education & Action (EICEA) and other interested persons in the Edmonton area about religious faiths through programs including lectures, prayer services, discussions, presentations, audio visuals, interfaith dialogues and celebrations of the religious festivals of member faith groups.
- To lead interfaith worship services at events conducted by the EICEA, member faith groups, institutions or organizations in greater Edmonton.
- To educate EICEA members and the community about racial and faith discrimination, locally and on a global basis, and to provide education and an example of a non-discriminatory lifestyle.
- To cooperate with community institutions such as hospitals, prisons, places of worship, schools, museums, social agencies, and the police in teaching respect for the various religions of the world, and encouraging the participation of people of all religions in events which show respect for all faiths.
- To be an active participant in the North American Interfaith Network and other such local, regional, national or international interfaith and community organizations as may, from time to time, be appropriate to the mission of the Centre.
Application for Individual Membership
I support the Objectives of the Edmonton Interfaith Centre for Education and Action, and wish to apply for an individual membership in the Society and pay an annual fee of $30, starting on this date.
Click I AGREE below to continue to the membership form.