We are celebrating our 20th anniversary at our annual Open House on December 2, 2015 at 7:30 in the sanctuary at The Ashbourne (11148 84 Avenue). Admission is free and open to the public. The program will feature a choral music performance, dance, an art display, and refreshments.
In addition, EICEA will release a report based on interviews with 14 Edmontonians of diverse faith traditions talking about religion, science, and the issue of climate change. Protecting the environment has increasingly become a matter of religious duty and interfaith partnerships. Hindu, Christian, Muslim, and Jewish leaders have all developed declarations about the urgency of climate change in recent months. Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment has led to considerable interfaith dialogue as well. The Parliament of the World’s Religions made climate change one of the four main themes for the nearly 10,000 people of all faiths who gathered from around the world in October.
“Protecting the environment is something all religious traditions can agree on,” explained Dr. Randolph Haluza-Delay who coordinated the report. Haluza-DeLay is a social scientist at The King’s University Edmonton and recently edited a scholarly book, “How the World’s Religions are Responding to Climate Change”. A presentation of the main findings from the report will be given by Ashley Fischer, one of the co-authors.
The Edmonton Interfaith Centre for Education and Action (EICEA) is a registered, non-profit society, founded in 1995, by people of good will from many faith traditions. Members of the Centre are drawn from more than a dozen different faith traditions. Since 1995, it has sponsored programs throughout the community which have helped to educate Albertans about the many faith expressions found in the province.