We are pleased to announce that we are donating $5000 each to the Edmonton Food Bank and to Women In Need (WIN) House. This is from our casino account, the proceeds came from the citizens of Edmonton and we are honoured to be able to give back in these difficult times. As well, the Edmonton Community Foundation is helping out local charities as well. We have two funds with them, so are part of this wonderful initiative too.
Tag: covid-19
Hope, Gratitude, and Solidarity
Please find attached the statement, “Hope, Gratitude and Solidarity: A Message to Canadians from Religious Leaders in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic,” which was signed by over 80 religious leaders, including many Participants in and friends of the Canadian Interfaith Conversation.
You will also find attached a media release that summarizes the document and links to the document posted on the CIC website.
The main statement can also be viewed on the Conversation website in English and in French.