The Canadian Multicultural Education Foundation, The Edmonton Interfaith Centre & The United Nations Association Canada (Edmonton) commemorated the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 20th, 2022 at 2 p.m. over Zoom. We explored the question “Racism: what do we know and where do we go?” with panel participants: Charis Auger, Steven Camp, Satya Das & Salima Versi. World music provided by Dr. Michael Frishkopf
Lunch & Learn: Canada’s Sexual Exploitation Laws: What’s at Stake?
Kathy King ( and Kate Quinn ( provided a global overview of how different countries approach criminalization, legalization and the Equality Model. We addressed root causes of sexual exploitation and sex trafficking and the multiple impacts. This topic was very timely because the federal Justice Committee is hearing presentations in February – March about whether to remove all laws (total decriminalization) or to maintain Canada’s version of the Equality Model.
IHW2022: Poetry Open Mic
On February 5, 2022, at 2:00 PM, as part of the 2022 Interfaith Harmony Week, we presented a poetry open mic on the subject “Spirituality and Poetry – The Big Questions”.
“Answers to the ‘big questions’ can only be answered satisfactorily by the seeker him/her self. However poetry written from the viewpoint of the seeker/soul can help all of us to find what is right for ourselves in our search for spiritual truth.”
Proclamations of Interfaith Harmony Week in Edmonton
Please check out the full schedule of IFHW events at !
Mayor Amarjeet Sohi has declared World Interfaith Harmony Week in Edmonton:
As has the Council of Parkland County:
WHEREAS; respectful dialogue among people of different faiths enhances mutual understanding, harmony, and cooperation;
WHEREAS; the moral imperatives of all religions, convictions, and beliefs call for peace, tolerance, and mutual understanding;
WHEREAS; mutual understanding and inter-religious dialogue constitutes an important dimension of a culture of peace;
WHEREAS; people of goodwill can appreciate that the common values they hold far outweigh the differences they have, and this provides a strong bond for peace and harmony;
NOW, THEREFORE; the Council of Parkland County does hereby declare February 1st, 2022 to February 7th, 2022 as “World Interfaith Harmony Week” in Parkland County.
We would like to thank these municipalities for their commitment to promoting interfaith harmony.
Lunch & Learn: What is Yalda?
On Monday, January 24th at noon for “Lunch & Learn”, Firdosh Mehta presented a talk entitled “Yalda: Zoroastrian Festival of Winter Solstice and the Connection with Christmas”.
Rest in Peace Pauline and Sushil
The Edmonton Interfaith Centre and indeed all of Edmonton has suffered two great losses. The first was Metis Elder Pauline Paulson on December 25, 2021. She was born and lived her young years in Northern Manitoba, adolescence on a farm in the central part of the province and the balance in Winnipeg. In Edmonton she divided her time between Native Counselling Services as a spiritual and cultural advisor, the Elders Counsel for Concordia University, and Elder in residence for the HIV Drop In Centre. Her formal studies included a diploma in Applied Counselling from the University of Manitoba, another in Child Family and Community Services through Red River Community College (Winnipeg) sponsored by Metis Child and Family Services, and the facilitator training program ”In Search of Your Warrior” through Native Counselling Services of Alberta. Her informal education included over 30 years of participation in aboriginal ceremonies and learning from various Elders, locally, nationally, and internationally. She said, “I believe Spirit led me so I can fulfill the reason I was born into this world at this time”. Pauline served the Edmonton Interfaith Centre in many ways, including the roles of Vice President, President, and most recently as wise counsel to the current President and Board as Past President and chair of the Nominations Committee. Her advice was critical in the planning of the 2018 North American Interfaith Network conference which we hosted here. Attached is a photo of her last September beside the “Celebrating Our Faiths” display she created and installed in City Hall. It featured “Creation Stories from Turtle Island”.
On January 6th, 2022 we lost a founder and Honourary Board Member Sushil Kalia. He came to Edmonton in 1976 and soon became involved not only in the Hindu community but interfaith education and dialogue as well. In the early 1990’s he was instrumental in the work of several groups, one was the Edmonton Interfaith Network which inaugurated an annual observance of the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21st, (still one of our signature events). In the fall of 1995 at the Welcome Chapel at the Royal Alex Hospital he was one of the signatories to our provincial application to register as a society in Alberta. He was a founder and honourary priest of the Hindu Cultural Centre (HCC) and for over 45 years conducted rites of passage there. His skills as a draftsman were also used in the design of the temple and beautiful murti (statues). When we began our joint program with the city called Celebrating Our Faiths in 2006 he helped make the first display featuring Diwali. In 2012 he created a room in the HCC dedicated to Swami Vivekananda who attended the first Parliament of the World Religions in 1893 and is credited with bringing Hinduism to North America.
Winter Solstice 2021
December 21, 2021 is the Winter Solstice, which in the Northern Hemisphere is the shortest day and longest night of the year, and the point after which the days start growing longer again. This day, the time of greatest darkness and the symbolic rebirth of the sun, has long been celebrated by many cultures, religions and spiritual traditions, including the Druidic Alban Arthan, the Chinese Dongzhi, the Wiccan Yule, and the Scandinavian Feast of Juul.
Lunch & Learn: Creating and Reclaiming Indigenous Space in an Urban Centre
On Monday, December 13th at noon, Lewis Cardinal gave a talk about “Creating and Reclaiming Indigenous Space in an Urban Centre.” He is the Project Manager of kihciy askiy (sacred earth), a development project being created in the river valley close to Fort Edmonton Park.
EIC Annual Open House – December 8
The EIC held its annual Open House over Zoom, on Wednesday, December 8th beginning at 7 PM. We heard about what the EICEA has been up to the past year, and found out about some of the holy days our members are celebrating. Mayor Amarjeet Sohi joined us to bring greetings from the City of Edmonton.
Lunch and Learn: CEASE
On Monday, November 15 at noon, our guest speaker was Kate Quinn, Executive Director at CEASE: Centre to End All Sexual Exploitation.